
Saturday, May 29, 2010

ALBUM REVIEW: Corinne Bailey Rae's "The Sea"

Soft-spoken, folksy music really isn't my thing. But I was as obsessed with Corinne's feel-good "Put Your Records On" as everyone else was in 2006. She took a bit of a break—two years—after her husband tragically died, and dropped off everyone's radar. In January of this year, however, she popped back up with the melodic, R&B, piano-and-snare-drum heavy tracks that are on her sophomore album The Sea. I didn't expect for there to be cheery tracks that mimicked what basically became one of 2006's summer anthems, because of the state of mourning that I'm sure dominated her life. Therefore, I didn't expect to enjoy it. I like my female singers with a little backbone, which is why the only two tracks I enjoyed from this album are the ones where it seems like she has a little pep-in-her-step and is full of bravado.

"Paper Dolls"
I'm digging the creepy (lol) Addams Family-ish piano and catchy chorus.

"The Blackest Lily"
At the base of it are these church organs, and then it slides into indie rock with a wrenching guitar that just changes all preconceptions you've had about her.

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