
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CRUSHWORTHY: Paul James Jordan from ABC Family's "Bunheads"

Let's just get something out of the way: I know. This kid plays a really dumb guy. He's barely said anything in the entire first season and when he finally does, he sounds like he's taken one too many hits to the head. However, he had one very poignant, lucid moment in "It's Not a Mint" where he basically declared his interest in his bff's little sister, Melanie. And in that brief moment, every girl watching melted right along with her. He still sounded really dumb, but his persistence in getting her to seriously consider him was sooooo hot that you couldn't tell. This is how smart girls accidentally get impregnated by dumb guys. He's a really hot cautionary tale—that you could watch over, and over, and over...
 ...and over...

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