Sunday, February 10, 2008

FILM: M. Night Shyamalan + Mark Wahlberg

The last place I can imagine seeing Mark Wahlberg is in a horror/suspense thriller, let alone one being written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. He's used to being in parts where he's in control of a situation (Italian Job, The Departed, Three Kings, etc.). It's also rare for me to even consider seeing a horror/suspense thriller. I've actually only seen one M. Night film (Unbreakable) and after seeing the creepy ass trailers of the others (The Village, The Sixth Sense), I had no intentions of watching the rest.

However, after seeing the trailer for his latest, starring Wahlberg, called The Happening, I was intrigued. I've already seen a trailer for a movie this year where people start killing each other randomly. It's an indie. Then I watched the trailer for this movie, which is about the same thing. People just start offing each other. And that would be scary in itself, but then you start to hear loud thumps and start to see construction works peer upwards in terrified awe...because the other construction workers are throwing themselves off the roof. Death has never been so terrifying, when it seems to be swallowing the world whole it's just happening. Now, I make it a point of seeing every Wahlberg film, because I'm shameless, so I've committed myself to seeing this my broad daylight...with several comedies on hand to flush out the images afterwards. Check out the trailer to see if you're just as intrigued!

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