Thursday, May 15, 2008

TV: "Heroes" Season 3 Spoilers

The Plot
+ "We will learn more about the very nature of these powers — where they come from, who has them, what the different aspects are of how they each got their powers and how it affects them."
+ The chaos theory--change one thing and it'll affect the future drastically--will be presented.
+ They'll examine the "genetic essence" of the powers.

The Villains
+ The villains will include Adam, Angela, Sylar, and 12 new characters.
+ We're going to learn more about the Angela Petrelli and Kaito Nakamura relationship. Could she be Hiro's real mother?
+ We'll learn Angela's power.
+ Peter and Nathan will try to bring their mom back from the dark side.

New Characters
+ Brea Grant ("Friday Night Lights") will play a "speedy character," that steals a family secret from Hiro. She'll be his arch nemesis as he takes over the family business. When he stops time, she slows to regular speed.
+ Jesse is a villain with the ability of induced radioactivity. He'll go up against Sylar.

+ "A dead character we know will return. But is he really alive? That remains a question." It's probably Nathan.

The show will return on Monday, September 15, 2008, with a three-hour event, starting with a one-hour summary "catch-up" then a two-hour season premiere!

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