Thursday, December 24, 2009

TRAILER: Jackie Chan & Jaden Smith's "The Karate Kid" Remake

I was a little skeptical the first time I heard Jaden Smith, Will and Jada's son, was going to star in the remake of the classic martial arts teen film with Jackie Chan as his sensei. It's not that I thought he couldn't pull it off. I've seen him in other films (Pursuit of Happyness and The Day the Earth Stood Still), and I thought he did very well for someone without any acting lessons. I just wasn't keen on a remake of a very well done 80s movie. But after seeing how well he trained and how his smart ass sense of humor truly adds to the story, I'm actually kind of psyched. (Side note: 11-year-olds shouldn't have muscles or 6-packs. That's weird.)

Release Date: June 11

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