Wednesday, December 21, 2011

CRUSHWORTHY: Joshua Bowman from "Revenge"

This year has blessed us with some seriously crushworthy guys. So to countdown the 25 days until Christmas, each day I'll put a spotlight on one actor we wish we could catch under the mistletoe. In this case, Santa rewards the naughty and nice.
{DAY 21} 
The Ladies Magnet // Joshua Bowman
I'll be honest, the only reason I'm posting this particular actor is because ALL of my friends think he's hot. I don't. He kind of looks Cro-Magnon to me, and at the same time too much of a pretty boy. But I can see the appeal. Viewers have discovered him on the ABC hit drama "Revenge" and the idea of falling for the rich, hot next door neighbor with a rebellious streak and a desire to stand up for what's right is very attractive. Career-wise, Bowman has yet to prove himself. And if it turns out that the supposedly dead body on the beach really is his character, then he won't get the longevity on the series that he requires to make a name for himself. Something tells me that he won't disappear off the face of the earth either way. Fans may not know this, but Bowman isn't just the viewers' choice but a frequent celebrity choice as well. He's been romantically linked to costars Cassie Scerbo ("Make It or Break It") and Miley Cyrus (upcoming So Undercover), and the late Amy Winehouse.

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