Monday, January 14, 2008

FILM: Box Office Results - 1/11/08

For God knows what reason The Bucket List just jumped from #23 to #1 in its 3rd week, grossing up to $21 mil now, while one of this week's releases, First Sunday, came in at #2 with $19 mil. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything came in at #9 with $4.4 mil, but somehow In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale was nowhere to be found and pathetically grossed barely $3 mil. Meanwhile, Juno is at #3, National Treasure is at #4, and Alvin and the Chipmunks is at #5. Somehow P.S. I Love You is doing better than Atonement, grossing $47 mil at #8, while the latter grosses $25 mil at #10. I Am Legend is slowly edging its way out of top 10 at #6 with $240 mil. And even though Sweeney Todd won several Golden Globes this weekend, it's dropped out of the top 10 with a measly $44 mil. Charlie Wilson's War faired a little better at #11 with $59 mil.

Next week, we've got the mysterious J.J. Abram's film Cloverfield, the romantic comedy 27 Dresses, the doofy heist comedy Mad Money, Woody Allen's drama Cassandra's Dream, the controversial indie Teeth, and the war drama Taxi to the Dark Side.

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