Sunday, August 15, 2010

MUSIC: Penn Badgley Singing at Bullett Photo Shoot

I love "Gossip Girl" and I've always enjoyed Dan's witty comebacks and reactions, but he's not my favorite character. If he were deleted from the series, I would miss him, but I wouldn't stop watching. The only film/series I actually enjoyed him in whole-heartedly was John Tucker Must Die. Mainly because everyone else in that film sucked. But he was charming, self-deprecating, and sweet. He was like a 4 out of 10, hotness-wise.

Then I saw this video photo shoot of him for Bullett magazine on Perez Hilton. At the 2:00 mark, he sings...GOOD! Better than you'd think he could sing. Better than he needs to. He even sounds better than Robert Pattinson. He could honestly do a music biopic. He's that good. So now he's like an 8. A hard 8. I guess what they say is true. Girls are suckers for musicians.

Bullett Magazine + Penn Badgley from BULLETT MAGAZINE on Vimeo.