One Tree Hill returns from hiatus with a twist: instead of submitting to a lack of storylines with four years of stale college plots--like The O.C. would've and Dawson's Creek did--they endeavored to skip the whole experience and delve deep into adulthood. Apparently, a lot happens when you leave Tree Hill and try to follow your dreams. Inevitably, whether you succeed or not, there will always be something missing. Something that only Tree Hill can provide.
So here are where the characters are in their lives and what obstacle they must overcome to be happy:
Brooke successfully launched a full-fledged version of Clothes Over Bro's. But she's so busy promoting it and designing it that she doesn't have time for friends or love. Not to mention, her overbearing manager, Victoria, who acts like her mother, refuses to let her have five seconds alone with any guy and orders her to fire friends who are dead weight. She was obviously in a toxic environment, so she high-tailed it back to Tree Hill simply by Peyton's request.
Peyton moved to L.A. so she could work at a record company and sign bands that inspire generations. Somehow she ended up being the assistant to an assistant and degrading herself to the point where she unbuttoned a button upon request just so her male boss would listen to one of the bands she was promoting. He tries to convince her that people don't want to be inspired, they want to listen to crappy music from some half-assed singer who'll most likely give the tabloids plenty of fodder (*cough*Britney*cough*). The moment she realized that she refused to be jaded and commercialized, she called her bff Brooke begging for a solution to her dilemma. Apparently, the answer was hidden in Tree Hill, along with another secret: her feelings for Lucas.
Lucas sold his book to a publishing company 2 yrs after graduation. He then moved back to Tree Hill to coach the Ravens in the place of Whitey, so he could get rid of his writer's block. It's been two more years and he's got nothing. He's lost confidence in himself and forgotten what inspired him in the first place, which pisses his editor, Lindsey, off. Apparently, he's the reason she has such an amazing job and if he flubs, she's screwed. It's a good thing they're dating, otherwise he'd be screwed. So when Peyton returns to Tree Hill, he's thrown for a loop. He's been griping about her never going to his book signing for so long he had to ask why. It turns out that she did, but she witnessed what looked like a romantic moment between him and Lindsey, before they started dating, that scared her away. Thus, Peyton and Lucas are not together simply because of a misunderstanding. Worse timing ever since he has an engagement ring ready for Lindsey.
While we're on the topic of marriage, Nathan and Haley aren't exactly living happily ever after--not that it was smooth sailing in high school. Nathan was on the verge of being drafted for an NBA team when some a-hole taunted him at a bar when he was drunk and coaxed him into a fight. He gets thrown through a window and a piece of glass gets embedded in his spine, making him lose his NBA contract. He's been confined to a wheel chair for 4 months. Naturally, he's drowning in bitterness and has withdrawn from Haley, and even neglects his super adorable 4-year-old son Jamie. No worries. Where he falls short, Lucas, Skills, pretty much everybody else picks up the slack. He's so morbid that he drinks all day and refuses to allow Jamie to play with his mini-basketball set. Alcohol has turned him into such a dickface that he has the balls to say to Lucas: "Give me that bottle right now or Dan's not going to be the only Scott to kill his brother." SERIOUSLY? Then he tops it off by telling Haley that he has nothing now, because apparently his true love and his little boy equal nothing.
Meanwhile, Haley is starting her first year as a high school teacher and she's terrified, which she should be since some egotistical kid sexually harasses her in front of the whole class and when they all turn on her, she runs out scared. Turns out he's the best player on Lucas's team and therefore thinks he's God's gift to Tree Hill--kind of like Nathan did. See the parallels? Ooooh. A new character is also added via Haley, because she requires a nanny to take care of Jamie. Her name is Carrie and it seems that Mouth is rather interested in her.
Mouth is slightly more mature these days. He has a shorter haircut. He openly verbalizes his attraction towards women in the way that Skills usually does. Yet when sleeping in a bed with Brooke, he looks like her little brother. Work-wise, he is still unemployed after college and is unsuccessfully applying to local TV stations to be a sports anchor. Unfortunately, he's been awoken to the realization that such anchors are usually--perhaps moderately--attractive. However, he is allowed to be one of those guys who cues up the tapes for the sportscasters. Yayy. If his boss wasn't such a bitch--for God knows what reason...industry people being jerks is a theme in this episode--then maybe his job wouldn't suck so much. He lives with Skills, assistant coach to Lucas and apparently no longer Bevin's boyfriend, and their other friends Junk (?) and Fergie (not that one). Even though it seems that Skills is under-utilized regularly, he is Jamie's godfather and spends a lot of time schooling him on guy stuff that's truly entertaining.
So at the end of this 2-hr episode, Brooke realizes that the one thing that is missing from her life is love--and no not from Lucas--and resolves to run her company from Tree Hill in Karen's old cafe. She also has the brilliant idea of investing in a record company that Peyton will start so she can live her dream in Tree Hill. And Lucas graciously allows Peyton to use an empty space in the back of Trick, Karen's bar. (Where's Karen? Traveling the world with her daughter Lily. Don't know why, but I sense there's a weird backstory there. Who travels the world with a 4-year-old?) Lucas finally found inspiration in none other than...drum roll please...Peyton. When he learned that she did go to his book signing, it was like all the magical words came to him and he knew exactly what to write. Poor Lindsey is about to be dropkicked to the side. Nathan gets the courage to walk from his little boy, who gives awesome pep talks, and Haley finds the courage to verbally bitchslap her students into behaving. She found the strength from no longer having the patience to put up with Nathan's bullshit. Lastly, Mouth...well, Mouth is screwed.
In future episodes, we should see Brooke stepping up her godmother duties, Lucas being torn between two women (as usual) and trying to fill Whitey's shoes, Peyton being indecisive and flighty (as usual) and introducing us to new bands, Haley imparting earth-shattering knowledge to her students, and Mouth growing some balls. However, we'll also be subjected to the show trying to age itself without exiting PG-13 status. I believe Nathan actually said the word "f-ing" without the "uck," because adults say that all the time. Right? Don't you? If you're not going to curse for real, don't even bother. And if Brooke is going to be a fashion designer, go raid Gossip Girl's closet and make that chick look rob-able. Oh and would somebody please tell Nathan that he wasn't the only one who lost his dream. Haley was a famous singer--emphasis on the "WAS"--and no longer is because of you. So shut up already would you. Go take Lucas' job so he can get back to writing. Overall, I am semi-excited about this season. It just needs to get back into the swing of things.
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