Wednesday, January 14, 2009

TV Highlights: Bipolar Silver on "90210" & Megan's Con Artist Mom on "Privileged"

I almost forgot that there were to be three major storylines in the new year. We've already covered the infertility with Brenda and the pregnancy with Adriana, but I completely forgot about the bipolar storyline. Although I assumed Brenda was the one who was going to be pregnant and Adriana would be bipolar, it turns out Silver is the one afflicted. She flipped out on Dixon, Annie, and Ethan over little things like PDA. But before we can even process what's going on with her, next week a disgruntled and heartbroken Ryan comes back to town and someone gets into a car accident. My bets on Adriana because it would get Navid, who broke up with her, to reconsider his decision, or Silver, who might've flipped out while driving. Either way, it's bound to be more interesting than tonight's episode. Annie and Ethan almost "went to Palm Springs," which is apparently Kansas-speak for "had sex." Unfortunately, Ethan was feeling chivalrous and asked to slow things down because he thinks she's "the one." Whatevs. Naomi was busy reminding herself that the only real friend she has is a pregnant former drug addict, so maybe she should stop ditching her. Blah blah blah. Enough with the after-school specials.

"Privileged": Best Lines
Marco was being uber-bitter about breaking up with his boyfriend Keith, so he told Megan that eventually Louise and Sage will realize their differences, stating: "One of them will choose Myspace and the other will choose Facebook and then they'll never speak again." Oh, is that how this generation breaks up?
• Before ending the conversation, Megan belts out that she has to go to jail, referring to her sister's sudden false incarceration, and leaving Marco hanging: "She's always gotta one-up me with the drama."
Sage was so unphased by her frenemy's attempt to make fun of how poor Louise was that she maturely said the idea of the rich dating the poor was "so shocking, they did it on the first 90210." Nice name-drop.
Jack overheard Rose telling Sage that she should show her appreciation for Louise by giving him a gift, so Jack thought to do the same. As he handed the envelope to her, he said: "It's a poem. It's not like a check or anything." He's so adorable--so much so that I totally agree with Rose when she said, "As far as nerds go, you're even cooler than Michael Cera." Maybe not cooler, but damn near close.
Louise was annoyed by Sage's gift because it was something he had been saving up for. She didn't understand why he was so ungrateful until she remembered the time her grandma had her assistant finish her 5000-piece puzzle of kittens for her and framed it. After her heart-warming story, she shouted: "I just showed you my kittens in a basket, so I expect something in return." Insert pervy joke here.
Lily was in jail because her boyfriend had a bag full of drugs in their hotel room. Her dad wanted to teach her a lesson so he refused to pay $25,000 to bail her out, even though Megan, Will, and her mom wanted to. Megan felt bad about leaving her in jail, even though Lily was more concerned about getting a lawyer for her idiot husband once he was found. She was jealous of Rose and Lily's close sisterhood, saying: "If Rose was a serial killer, Sage would stay in jail just to braid her hair." That sounds about right.
• The best part of the night though wasn't even quote-worthy. It was just the sheer shock on Megan's face. Her mom went behind her back to ask Will for the money to bail Lily out of jail so that she could, for once, make amends. But if the charges were dropped against Lily once her husband was captured and their mom's clothes were all gone, then where the hell is the $25,000? Once again, Megan'll have to pick up the pieces. I hope her dad doesn't fall off the wagon again. That woman is the devil.
• Next week, Megan'll make an ass out of herself in front of Will's dad--that way they're even.

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